Tuesday, 27 January 2009

The Storm has past

Well, we're back in Provo Utah, and so happy to be back in the States. Our visit to France and England will be one of the most exciting and stressful times of our lives, but it has been such a learning experience. Here are a few things we have learned this past month:

1) The United States is a blessed country we have been taking for granted;

2) Our home is where we were married and started our family, and although we miss our "home-countries" where we grew up, we are happiest here;

3) Life would be impossible without the support and love of great family and friends;

4) It DOES matter where you live! I can't believe that my mom raised both me and my brother in Paris: it was so hard to use public transportation with a stroller; in the metro, there are so many flights of stairs and I had to force my way on and off the train as people would not let me in before the sliding doors automatically closed; there are no elevators to accommodate the disabled and mothers with double strollers. When we were walking home, we had to slalom with Eve's stroller to avoid rolling and stepping in dog poop;

5) Socialism does not mean equality of opportunity nor is it efficient --sorry to go political on you, but the system of government does influence the people's lifestyle and pursuit of happiness.

Since we have been back in Utah, we have been busy sorting out Levi's immigration papers; for awhile, it sounded like Levi would have to go back to the UK to wait for his visa there, while I would be here with Eve...but after meeting with an immigration agent, we were happy to know that Levi is able to stay, although he won't be able to work. During the next 3-4 months, he'll be preparing for his PA School applications and taking care of Eve while I'll work. So, right now, we are definitely counting our blessings!


Jen said...


Thanks for the update. I am so happy you guys are back in the states!


Ricki said...

I enjoyed your insights. I will be in Provo Feb.4-8 and would love to come see you! We'll have to exchange information (via email). :)

Alexis said...
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Caroline said...

So glad to have you back. I also believe the United States is so wonderful and am absolutely crushed about the way it seems to be moving towards socialism...to me it just takes away so many freedoms.

Crystal and Rosario said...

Welcome back! Do you guys need help with anything?

John said...

Haha, you are one popular family! I love how everyone wants you to go to their grad school - that's why I got on actually. You guys should come to AT Still Mesa! They have great PA program! (I don't actually know for a fact if it is great, but they have one!) And we'll be there in July!

Alexis said...

Thanks for the updated..you guys are amazing! I got goosebumps reading that post just about you guys are so "together" in what you want for your family..That is so important that you and Levi are on the same page and support one another. I am so excited that Levi is still thinking about PA despite the fact that Ian and I never got to talk to you guys about it before we left. Please feel free to call about it anytime and even stay with us if you want to visit UNE.
The journey isn't over but I'm so happy to hear you guys are so positive and learning so much to share with everyone!

naomi said...

Annabelle - I couldn't agree more with point number five. I feel like a lot of my friends think socialism is the way forward for America and I wish they could live in Europe for a couple years, witness it's varying degrees, and what it really means.