Today started out as a regular day: I was the first one up --I love the first hour, when everyone else is asleep and I can read the Scriptures while eating my own bowl of cereal, without having to share my breakfast with anyone. The house is quiet until 9 am, when Eve's voice calls out for me to unzip her tent so she can burst out with all of the energy of a 2-year-old.
Eve rules our world (meaning our schedule) all morning: today we went for a

Meanwhile Levi was at the dentist :( He had 3 cavities to take care of today. We are reserving the failed root canal for later, when money will grow on trees (as some of you know, I am an ambitious gardener). Levi ran home so that I could be at work on time, and I went off to take the bus to work. Nothing exciting so far...
After work, I had made an appointment for a hair cut, and although I had warned Levi of my intention of getting my hair cut, he did not know when I would have it done. An hour and $30 later, I took the bus home, feeling sassy (as I always do when I get my hair cut much shorter) and smiling at the thought of Levi's face when I would walk through the door.

He then asked me: "What if we went in our new car?"
I looked up: "what? you're kidding, right? are you serious?"
Smilingly, he turned to Eve: "Boubou, where's the car?"
So we went to the kitchen window and looked out. Eve pointed toward the street. There were three cars, two of which were vans. We had looked at a 1989 Honda online, last night, but it was nowhere to be seen. Confused, I turned to Levi: "where is it?"
He replied: "It's the green van, right there!"

I was so shocked, tears welled my eyes. Incredulous, I looked at him and kept saying: "are you serious?" I was so overwhelmed: the fact is that we had been riding the bus for the past couple of months...and I enjoy the privilege of having public transportation, except for it was getting really hard for me to leave 30 min early to make sure I would get the bus (when going to work) and I was always running /sprinting after work so as not to miss the 7:05pm bus, as the next one would only come 30 min later. Once I got off the bus, I had to walk several hundred yards to reach my office building, etc. A

So, I am proud to announce that we are now the owners of our first van, a green Plymouth Voyager 1996, and that my husband amazed me by having it all registered before dusk. And if any of you need a ride (to the store or anywhere at all), don't hesitate to ask! It will be our pleasure.
Yahoo!! Love the new haircut and so happy about the new car. What a difference a car can make in life, it is just so much more convenient.
I do love your haircut and congrats on the car! I wish you would have asked me for a ride the other day when I saw you. I wish I would have said something. Congrats again! I'm so happy for you!
So cute! I LOVE the haircut! And congratulations on getting a car. That is definitely a big surprise!
Yay! You've joined the minivan club (even the green minivan club) WELOCME and CONGRATS!!!
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