Friday, 8 May 2009

Who ever thought...

...that a toddler needed strict supervision for drawing?

These last couple weeks we have been victim of graffitis on our living room, bedroom, and kids' room walls. We had our suspicions when the crime scene lab confirmed that the weapon used were crayons, but when we caught Eve in the act, she was immediately charged as guilty and condemned to public service, aka (symbolically) wiping off the walls, while Levi and I stacked on Magic Erasers to scrub crayon markings off our walls. Eve is now on parole for good behavior but is not allowed to draw indoors: she has to go in the yard if she wishes to express her feelings through art.


Kathleen said...

So cleverly written, Anabelle! Julia (remember her as a French 102 SI?) puts up poster board on her washer with magnets and designates that as her daughter's indoor easel. Maybe you could try that once it gets too hot outside. Glad Eve loves art!

naomi said...

Hahaha, naughty little munchkin! Hopefully she can terminate parole early for good behaviour