Thursday, 15 October 2009

Back to "normalcy"...sort of.

Saturday, we celebrated more than Eve's Birthday...after a 10-month wait for Levi's work permit, he started working this Monday in the legal department of a local company called Neways. We are finally back to "normalcy" with Levi working from 8 to 5 every day and me at home with the girls. Oh wait! I still have to finish my last 3 classes...yeah, I'm still figuring out how I can be on campus Mondays and Wednesdays: I think we are going to sign Eve up for a French Immersion preschool we found here in Provo, which would allow me to attend my morning class...which means a lot of driving during those days. For my two afternoon classes, my professors have been really understanding and are overlooking my absences; however, it's going to be a greater challenge to stay on top of the reading and homework without the information given in the lectures. I am lucky to have a friend in one of them who gives me updates and shares her notes with me: Chrissie is also doing a masters in French Studies, and she is also the mother of 2, so we totally relate and try to support each's motivating to know that I'm not alone in this. She even gave birth to her second at the beginning of this semester and still signed up for a class! Sometimes, I lose the vision of my pursuing my education...I think that I'm doing too much and I feel guilty for being pulled from my responsibilities at home, and it is hard to keep the goal in mind, it feels like it is taking too long to thanks Chrissie for your example!

I confess that I am having a difficult time doing the work for my classes; at the beginning of the semester, I used to be very good at doing all of the reading and even taking notes on what I read, but now, I get easily distracted and once the girls are in bed, reading a 30 page essay is not my idea of relaxing, without mentioning the cleaning I still need to do: laundry, dishes, picking up toys, clothes, etc. I once told Levi that had I known that there was so much cleaning involved in having a family, I might have delayed our wedding and enjoyed the courting a bit longer ;) Anyways, I got to hold on at least until mid-december, after finals...wish me good luck!


Kathleen said...

I applaud your efforts, Anabelle! Hang in there! You will make it!! Chrissie indeed is amazing, and so are you. You have already done so much in your program; keep going just one day at a time.

I confess, however, that we delayed starting our family till after my thesis was defended, revised, and turned in--only because all I ever wanted to do was be a wife and a mother. After high school, my heart wasn't in my university classes. Though I always took my coursework very seriously, secretly I was hoping to be swept off my feet mid-semester and never even finish my Bachelors, let alone did I ever dream of doing a Masters. So our decision came about because I sensed that I lacked the volition and determination that you and Chrissie nobly possess, fearing that I would not have the gumption to complete what I had started. But I am extremely grateful I did. And your family will forever be blessed for what you are accomplishing now.

Is the French Immersion Preschool called Les Petits Pas? Mélodie is a dear, dear friend of mine and I only wish we were still in Provo so Symphany could attend too!

Congratulations, again, to Levi for securing employment. Hope everything else works out with your new family responsibilities and schedules.

ZAC said...

You can do it Anabelle!

Chrissie said...

Anabelle, if you only knew what a great example you are to me! I've wanted to quit so many times (using my kids as an excuse), but you keep me going, girl! I still need to follow your lead and get my thesis topic underway...yipes! Let's finish strong!

By the way, Kathleen, if you're reading this, I would have never suspected your feelings in regards to finishing your degrees--I TOTALLY felt/feel the same. When Sevak and I moved to CA, I was so relieved to have an excuse to quit!! :) When we moved back to UT, well...I resumed my studies just so I could have "something to do" (and get cheaper health insurance). I NEVER pictured actually getting the degree. Now it seems somewhat possible, though! I've always looked up to you and Anabelle...I dare say that you guys are the reason I've stuck with it! Je vous aime!!

Natalie R. said...

Bon courage, Anabelle, tu peux le faire!! If anyone can get through all you have going on, it's definitely you. The biggest thing I learned my last semester of college is that when you stick to it, something things end up working out (and boy will it feel good when it's done)! :0) Et, bien sur, le Seigneur sera la pour t'aider, et Il te donnera toujours le soutien dont tu auras besoin. Bon courage!

Julia and Aaron said...

Hey Anabelle, I just wanted to tell you that I completely sympathize with you. It is hard to go to school once you have children. It is so much work to be a mom and a wife and it is difficult to do homework during the short breaks you do get. Just keep going little by little and don't worry if your house gets messy!! Your kids wont remember (probably) anyway:). You guys are awesome. It was nice to read Kathleen's and Chrissie's comments because I felt the same way when I was in your guys' shoes, but I felt like I was the only one! Just keep moving and it will get done!!!