Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Guess what?!

Levi has been accepted to Rocky Vista University in Parker, Colorado! I am so proud of him and he is so relieved that he made it into Medical School. He had interviewed at another school in Ontario, California where he was put on the waiting list. We decided that he would not interview in Lake Erie or Des Moines where he has been invited as we feel very happy with living in Colorado. We have family in Colorado Springs and friends in Denver, plus it will be much easier to move there.
We are familiar with the landscape and the weather, and Colorado has the reputation of being the healthiest state of the United States! I used to live in Colorado before transferring to BYU and loved it there.

However, nothing is set in stone: Levi also applied to 4 Medical Schools back in England (yeah, crazy, I know) and he says that if he is invited to interview in one of them, he would go check it out. I am not ready to get rid of all our belongings again, but we'll see. He won't hear back until January and the interview will probably be held in March or April, so I have plenty of time to talk him out of it ;)


Chelsey said...

Congratulations, guys!! We're so happy for you!

Kathleen said...

That is wonderful!! Congratulations! How comforting to know the "next step" and to have the likelihood of living much closer to family.

Natalie R. said...

Felicitations!!!!! That is so exciting, what a big accomplishment!! And how fun would it be to be so close to your sister again?? That's very exciting, bon travail!

Angie Judd said...

Congrats! I'm gonna miss you...but so happy for your family. :)

Jen said...

Congratulations! Levi, I vote for Colorado!!!! Not that it matters much what I think.....

ZAC said...

I totally vote for CO too!!! You'd be a hop, skip, and a jump away from us! Very exciting times. I know you guys will make a wise choice :)

Unknown said...

Hey, I go to Colorado Springs a lot for work. I'll come visit!

Tyler said...

This is the same medical school my best friend Jonathan is at!!! You will have to be friends with them!!!


Bryan and Ashley said...

Congrats guys! That is such wonderful news!! Way to go Levi!!

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Parker, CO!!!! That is where I was raised and where I am from and where my parents still live --- and where I go to visit all the time and where I loved living and and and and maybe you will be in the same ward but probably not since Parker has so many wards now but YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Look for the Putnam family when you are there - we are infamous not necessarily famous though.

Anonymous said...

To bad he's not going to Des Moines, my brother-in-law is there. Although I wish they were in Colorado :(