Sorry guys...I totally went MIA since Christmas. The thing is that on top of the busyness of the holidays, I have just been enjoying spending quality time with the girls, especially since Sophie now sits up and plays with Eve. I celebrated finishing all of my course work for my Masters and have been trying to find the motivation to start researching and writing my thesis, which is extremely hard considering I spend much of my time on housework, cooking, feeding, running errands, and playing with the kids. Once both girls are in bed, I only want to put my feet up and recharge my batteries for the next day. So, I have to cut my relaxation time and get down to business if I want to graduate before we leave for Med School.

Talking of Med School, Levi received the great news that he has been accepted in the DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) School of DMU (Des Moines University), in Iowa...which happened to have an excellent program and faculty. So, if we stay in the States, we are definitely going to Iowa. Otherwise, it'll be England: Levi is going to the UK shortly to interview in York, and he is still waiting to hear back from two additional Med Schools there. So everything is still up in the air.
I enjoy running again, although it is still quite cold here. I happen to have great running partners who motivate me to get out the door no matter what. I kinda gave up on the Ogden Marathon for financial reasons: I cannot justify spending $75 for running at this point, but I plan on doing shorter races and a couple triathlons this summer.
Good to see you back, Anabelle! I totally hear you on the thesis thing--I cannot get motivated for the life of me! It's almost an impossible feat to accomplish with two kids. Best of luck to you...actually, best of luck to the both of us. :)
Those were some cute pictures. Your girls are so adorable and I bet it's so cute to see them playing together. Rose and Simon are starting to do the same. I actually have a question about your photo-posting technique: how do you get the row of three photos to line up so perfectly? I have only figured out how to post one photo on each "row," so to speak, and when I try to manually shrink the photos, they come out all different sizes and all misaligned.
I also have another question: is Igor single? I have a beautiful younger sister who is also a talented pianist and 3.99 economics grad from BYU ;) Hehe...I'm always on the lookout for her.
Hi Anabelle - I am Jen Peatross' sister. We met a long time ago. I don't know if she told you but we live in Des Moines, Iowa and we love it. Let me know if yu have any questions about it!! harnita24@yahoo.com
It's great to see an update! I'm glad you guys are doing so well, and that your daughters are such fun. Congrats to Levi on getting into the DO program, and good luck to him with his interview and you with your thesis!! :0)
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