Wednesday, 17 February 2010

How to write a masters thesis...

...and be a homemaker
...and a mother of 2
...and attempt to lose 20 lbs?

Forget the thesis, it looks like I have a best-seller on my hands!
Although, I don't think that demographics studies would find that many women who can fit all those categories at once, but maybe I could make a killing at the BYU Bookstore or at Deseret Books? Food for thoughts.

Anyways, you can tell that my efforts to write a 50+ page paper have not been very successful. It's more a stop and go ordeal; I find myself feeling guilty for being immersed in my books or on my laptop instead of playing with my has been all too easy to turn on the TV and put in a movie to prevent being distracted by: "Mom, can I have ...?" pleadings.

Last week, I resorted to going to the BYU library for 2-3 hours at night, after putting the girls to bed, but last time I tried that, I got an SOS from Levi saying that Sophie had woken up and needed to be fed, and she would not eat anything he offered, so the guilt crept back.

I figure that this is the last leg of the race, once I have this thesis written, I will graduate with my Masters and be stronger for it...then, I will be able to devote all my attention to my family. I figure that I have come so far and I am so close to the end that it would be foolish to give up now.

So, it's time for me to buckle up and get cracking...a friend once told me that whilst she was working on her thesis, it was always on the back of her a way, it's kind of like debt, no matter what you are doing or thinking, it's there, like a rain cloud in front of the sun. Yikes. It doesn't sound like I am any more motivated. Need. Help.


naomi said...

Good luck!!!!!!

Ricki said...

You can do it! I've been making a schedule for myself to stick to each week. It includes household chores that must be done, structured play, craft and learning time with the kids, and dinner menu. It's been helping me manage my time better and choose when to do 'me' stuff. Hope that helps!

Chrissie said...

Anabelle, when I get back, would you like to trade kids occasionally? Maybe then we can work on our theses and still feel like our kids are being taken care of. I am also feeling that big dark raincloud...literally and figuratively. Can't wait till this #@*! thing is done! :)

Tessa said...

You can do it Anabelle! When I was writing my thesis I paid a friend to babysit Jeanette for 5 hours a week and used that time just for my thesis. It was hard, but I couldn't have done it without that help. Plus Collin would watch her on Saturdays so that I could spend a few hours on campus. You have to have the time set aside. Good luck!

Natalie R. said...

Sounds like you've already been given some good advice. I've never been in your position so feel free to disregard this, but it seems to me that having to rely on others to babysit (even if that other is the TV more often than you would like), it's a temporary thing to get you through a busy time. And then, once your thesis is done, you can get back to being on a normal schedule.

Bon courage, you can do it!! :0)

Deborah said...

Anabelle! You can do it. I literally have no advice when it comes to the whole balancing act...but when it comes to the thesis...I would say just write! It's amazing how your brain can form connections and make things flow just by forcing yourself to type them out. I think one reason my thesis was so hard was that I waited to have everything perfectly in my head instead of just starting with what I had, and then kind of researching as I went along. You can still change course once you start writing...I just didn't realize that beforehand. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, and let me know if you need a babysitter!!