Levi is back from his second trip to England. This time, he interviewed for a Medical School in Warwick. For your sake (and mine), I am including a map of England: Warwick is the red dot at the center of the map. Levi has a good friend attending this school who obligingly took him on a tour of the campus and of the nearby town where he lives. I will soon upload a few pictures he took during his stay to give you a better idea.
The interview seems to have gone well, although he doesn't want to raise his hopes up too much before hearing back from the school, which should be around April 12th at the soonest.
Meanwhile, the girls and I had a princess party with ice-cream and the likes. I love my girls, and I enjoy being the mom of girls to enjoy all the girly things that I did not really enjoy while growing up, being a tomboy myself ;) Levi is having a hard time accepting this interest for princesses and fairies, but what man really understands chick flicks and emotional eating?
Sophie's 9 month doctor's appointment showed that she had lost some weight...a few ounces...but for her defense, she is more active than ever: crawling, pulling herself to stand, going into the cupboards, etc. And she eats more than ever, so I am not worried, unlike her doctor. Eve has always been in the low percentiles, so in a way, I am relieved that her younger sister will not over-tower her (just kidding).
As always when he has a chance to go home, Levi brought back lots of goodies from his motherland: and as true to myself as ever, I managed to snurff down an entire bar of Cadbury chocolate this morning; now that I have eaten my entire caloric allowance, I have to make sure I restrain from eating for the rest of the day!

I'm glad the interview went well, and I hope he gets good news around April 12! I always hate it when Cameron's not home, but it's good to do something special so it doesn't feel so lonely. :0)
Next time Levi goes to England, could you ask him to bring me back some Hob Nobs??? Boy do those sound good right now... ;0)
I've been to Warwick before: totally beautiful country! I hope things go well for you guys, and that your thesis is going well too!
My husband's just starting medical school in the fall too. I completely sympathize with what a long process it is... But how exciting that he has been interviewing in England! I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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