Saturday, 11 April 2009

Belly Shots - 32 weeks and counting

When I was last pregnant with Eve, I really didn't care about being taken in pictures, because at the time we only had our bathroom cabinet mirror, and I was completely oblivious to the drastic changes the pregnancy weight had on my body...when I finally got a chance to look at those pictures, I was utterly horrified to see that I looked like I had babies growing in my arms, legs, butt, and face!

Keep in mind that most of my first pregnancy was during the Summer in Utah and we did not have A/C in our apartment! I survived the Summer of 2006 on popsicles and ice-cubes.

So, you must understand that I was pretty reluctant to immortalize this pregnancy; however, after consideration, I thought that "Sophie" would probably like to have a picture of her mommy's tummy. Those pictures were taken when I was 32 weeks pregnant, so just past the 7 month mark.


Chelsey said...

Annabelle, we've got an extra crib mattress (I think they fit most toddler beds...?), so if you wanted to wait until June, we could bring it up for you and you could just have it. Let me know! chelsey DOT jorgensen AT gmail DOT com

Your house is very cute and I love your belly pics!

Ricki said...

You look great Anabelle! I feel a little sad about not documenting my last pregnancy, so I'm trying to do more this time around. I think you're right, the kids will want to see what they looked like and what they did to their mothers. :)

Your house looks great!

Caroline said...

You look awesome Annabelle!

Deborah said...

You look totally wonderful Anabelle! And your house is so cute :)