Top ten reasons why being pregnant is not so cute:

- "Nombrilisme" or navel-gazing: the world revolves around me and my needs...if I'm hungry, we have to stop EVERYTHING in order for me to eat.
- The emotional breakdowns: everything makes me teary-eyed whether it's a remark, a picture, a song, a hug from my little girl, a satisfied craving.
- Flip-flop queen...except after a pedicure (that I could not even do myself, since I can't reach my toes anymore) ;)
- Stretch marks and dark circles: no comment.
- The whining: "I'm so fat!", "I'm hungry", "I'm so tired!"
- The rage: when I'm pregnant, I get road rage, customer service rage, hidden fees rage. Working in the Sales Support for Nuskin has been a test of patience, and at times, I am SO ready to hang up at the customer's nose, but instead I suck it up and say: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, let me see what we can do for you."
- The laziness: I cannot bend over, so that means I can't pick up toys or dirty laundry (as some tend to leave it on the floor...they know who they are).
- Swelling fingers and feet: Again, no comment.
- The worst is that I cannot even carry Eve when she wants me to...she's getting too heavy for me now. Is there a sadder sight than a melting toddler whose mom seem not to even care enough to pick her up in her arms? I think it's absolutely revolting, don't you? Shame on me.
- Additional weight: need I say more?
Amen, sistah! Altough I didn't notice not being able to sleep on your stomach on your list. That was my pet peeve. It will all be over soon enough.
You're gonna make it! (Me too, hopefully) :) I loved your list, so sadly true.
This post makes me want to see a 'belly' shot!
Amen Anabelle! The swollen feel/legs are the worst. Good thing you'll be able to enjoy a good part of the summer without them!
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