She is a chubby baby --Eve nicknamed her "bigger boy" out of names, and I just want to hug and kiss her all day. Her two bottom teeth came out and lighten up her smile: every look at her makes my heart melt.

First word: "Dada"...she LOVES her daddy, although she is a Mama's girl.
Eve is learning how to share her toys with her and they enjoy spending time together:

Eve is a great sister: yesterday, she even changed Sophie's diaper twice, under my supervision; She makes sure that her nose is wiped, she lets me know when she wakes up from her nap, and she covers her with kisses and hugs. I'm so glad those two are getting along so well, and I am loving this time of their lives when they can be home together.
Yay for Sophie! How fun for her to reach that milestone the exact day she turns 8 months. Those pictures are so cute. Your girls are gorgeous. And I don't know any other less-than-three-and-a-half-year-old big sisters who can change their baby sister's diapers! You're amazing, Eve!
Can you believe that just a little over eight months ago we were sitting in class together, large and pregnant? Now Sophie is 3/4 of a year old! Such a cutie.
Oops...I was under my husband's account. That was actually Chrissie. :)
Good job, Sophie!! It's always exciting to see babies reaching new milestones. :0)
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