Friday 5 July 2013

10th Anniversary as a Latter-Day-Saint

Today marks my 10th birthday as a convert in the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's hard to say or imagine where I would be or what I would be doing with my life had I not made this life-changing decision to get baptized. The spiritual growth I have experienced in the past 10 years can only be measured by others who have known me and interacted with me and by my Savior who knows my heart and my intentions. I hope that I have become more like Him: I try so very hard to act as if He were standing next to me, to see others, especially strangers, through His eyes, with His love, and I wish I could do more to alleviate the pain and the suffering each individual lives in the secrecy of their heart.

Life has so much more meaning with the perspective I have gained from the restored Gospel. There is still a lot I need to gain a testimony of, and I make a point of not falling into the normalcy or routine of religious activity. My faith is meant to be a motivation for action, not just a religious affiliation. If I can just leave each person I meet a little better, a little happier, then my life is worth living.

I have realized that more often than not, it's easier for me to be kind, patient, and forgiving to others I do not know personally; therefore, my challenge is to have these attributes at home with my husband, my children, my siblings, my in-laws, and my mother. I take them for granted quite a bit, although I regularly realize how much they bless my life, and that they do have to put up with me too.

In retrospect, the one thing I have been neglecting over-time is missionary work. I know what it's like to be on the other side, the stereotypes, the thought process of individuals who are not members of the Church and can perceive us as quite arrogant in our boldness of speech. I have kept my missionary work down to example and service, yet I have failed to open my mouth too many times. I have projected thoughts and doubts into the other individual's mind, expecting him or her to be uninterested at best. Who am I to judge who is ready or not to hear about the source of my happiness, confidence, and optimism?

I have developed a paranoia of friends and acquaintances from my life before-baptism to find out about my membership. I have feared consequences of publicly announcing my beliefs online - via Facebook or other network site. I expect a future hunt and massacre of all known LDS in the likes of the Shoah or the St-Bartelemy. This begs the question: if such event were to happen, what would I do? renounce my faith or go underground while my dear brothers and sisters in Christ would face all kinds of persecution? If there's one thing that money cannot buy it's character - unwavering character. I hope that if I have learned one thing in the past 10 years, it would be to value and develop character.

So today, I pledge to more freely share verbally my beliefs when the occasion presents itself. I will pray daily for opportunities to share the Gospel and for Heavenly Father to direct individuals to me and vice versa. Life is too short to be selfish about the truth and love the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers.

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