Thursday, 24 February 2011

Have you ever eaten a coconut?

Last night we went grocery shopping as a family. We were on our way to the cash register when I spotted a case of coconuts and that sight took me back to when I was 7 and my father brought a coconut home. I was fascinated as I watched my dad break it open, pour the milk into a glass and chipped the inside a piece at a time. Since then, I have loved coconut in all of its forms and shapes: pina-colada, coconut curry, coconut macaroons, etc. So, in the spur of the moment, I grabbed a coconut in the hope to create the same experience with Eve.

I think that's what I love most about being a mother: I can rediscover the world with my children and find a renewed interest and fascination for little things that have lost their value over time. I get excited when I think of all the things that I can introduce my children to.

So, I am curious to know, what is it that you love doing with your children? what activities remind you of your childhood? What is the latest thing that you watched them discover?

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Samuel's grandparents gave him Legos for Christmas, and it has been a ton of fun putting them together and taking them apart with him. Legos were one of my absolute favorite toys as a kid, and I can't wait to get mine from my parents' house to ours so we can play with them all day long. :0)