Ok, I know. I am the worst blogger EVER. I will be truly amazed if anyone even acknowledges this new post as I am sure you have all given up checking on my sad little page.
Most of you know by now that we have moved back to the States. After spending Christmas in Paris with my family, Levi and I did some soul-searching and some intense praying. Removed from our situation in England, with me overworked and Levi undermotivated to study, we took a hard look at the past 6 months and realized that our family was paying too great of a price, especially once Levi came to the conclusion that he could not see himself working as a doctor. He would come home from school and instead of being excited or passionate about what he had learned that day, he would say: "I saw the most disgusting thing today" or "I cannot picture myself touching people on a regular basis". Finally, we knew that we would eventually move back to the States, so if Levi decided that he was not going to finish Med School, then there was no point for us to remain in England (except for the amazing Warwick branch).

Levi got that job and we moved to Lehi. I am still getting used to the area: I get lost almost every time I go to the grocery store! Not a week had gone by when I got hit while driving on the freeway. Our car was totaled, sandwiched between two cars, as the car behind me projected us into the car in front of us. Miraculously, the girls and I walked out of it safe and sound, except for a whiplash that receded in the days that followed.
So for the past couple of weeks, we've been hunting for another car while driving in a brand new rental car paid for by the party-at-fault's insurance. It was incredibly hard not to justify buying a new car and making payments and even harder to go from this new 2010 Nissan to the 98 Honda that we finally found on KSL.
When I tell our story to people, such as our new neighbors, I always end up saying: "Our family does not know how to simplify". I feel like we've had adventures and trials to last a lifetime, but our struggles pale in comparison to some, such as the family in our new ward whose new baby boy had to undergo a heart transplant at 3 months and whose life hangs by a thread every time he is exposed to germs, who had to go to the hospital because he had a cold. The baby has to take steroids that basically disables his immune system so that his body does not reject the new heart he has been given.

I apologize for our prolonged silence and for not announcing our return, but we felt it would be best to come back by the back door as we were not very proud of ourselves to give up on our plan A without even having a plan B.
welcome back! it sounds like sucj a trying few months, but the Lord is watching over your family. i hope things settle down for you soon. we'd love to visit with you if your up for it!
love, a former visiting teacher,
So glad to hear that you're back but sad to hear about your accident! Doug has two siblings that live in Lehi. You'll have to let me know where you're at so we can drop by and see you. Also, where's Levi working? Welcome back again!
Thanks for posting Anabelle! Warwick branch misses you guys, but I'm glad you're happy, healthy and safe!
We're hoping to see you in April! :-) Much love! xxx
I am so glad that you posted. I have been wondering how you all are doing. Life doesn't always go as we plan-believe me, I know- but it will all work out. I hope to be able to see you soon and hear all about your adventures in person!
I know Heavenly Father loves and trusts you so much to allow you to go through these exceptional trials! I am just amazed at your endurance. I am also so happy to have you "home." I hope Lehi finds happiness in his new job and that your little family will have an easy time of settling down and getting re-acclimated to Utah. Please come visit us in San Francisco if you ever have occasion to come out this way--I mean it!
That must have been a heart-wrenching decision to make! It sounds like you were divinely led back to the States. Though the journey home has not been without its bumps in the road, I'm so glad you are here again and pray that Levi will find peace and fulfillment in his career change. Thank you so much for the update!
I am sorry things didn't work out in England but excited to hear that you are back in Utah! We would love to have your family over sometime. We are in West Jordan.
I'm so glad your back! I've been meaning to call you but I lost the number Rachel gave me and I can't seem to find your email address anywhere! We'd love to have you over sometime, or maybe we could squeeze in a girls' night before Rachel leaves.
OMGsh! That's great news Anabelle! Don't be so hard on yourselves for, shall I say vascillating, on what you want to do and what's best for your family. That's completely normal----you just don't always hear about it. Besides, you would much rather be happy with what you're doing than miserable. It takes a toll on the whole family! Hope we'll bump into you all sometime soon!
Isn't it nice to know that a ton of people are still checking in on you, even despite a long absence from the blogosphere? :0)
It sounds like you, Levi and your kids have been through a ton. There's nothing at all to be ashamed of - sometimes life doesn't work out how you think it will. In fact, my sister and I were just talking yesterday about how life rarely turns out how we expect! It's all about doing our best and trying to make the best decisions one at a time. I'm sure the Lord had some purpose in your going to England and now back to Utah, and I'm sure someday you'll be able to figure out exactly what that purpose was. :0)
You're back! yay! Let's get the kids together- Leila would LOVE to see a familiar face!
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